Friday, November 1, 2019

Criminology Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Criminology - Annotated Bibliography Example This document is part of the FBI’s UCRs (Uniform Crime Reports), whose aim is to provide data on the crimes taking place throughout the United States on an annual basis. The UCRs are produced every year and provides information at both the local and national levels. They track the occurrences of eight specific criminal activities together with the frequencies and locations of each crime. The FBI then gathers the data that is provided from the law enforcement agencies of each state across the nation. This information is crucial to students studying criminology as it provides them with the necessary data for their research. This document provides all the information about records that are in the possession of the FBI, including how to access records that have already been released. It also gives information on how one can request the records that have not been released through the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and the Privacy Act. One can also get other information that can assist in understanding the records and how the FBI works. This information can be of great help to students studying criminology as it provides them with the necessary data for their research and help them to know how the FBI works in case they plan to join the agency. This article explores women’s fear of sexual assault and rape that has been empirically and theoretically linked to their fear of other crime types. The author explores in detail this fear, particularly paying attention to female college students who are mostly at risk of such crimes. This article performs some research on the issue and forms a conclusion that the fear of rape and sexual assault by women has some impact on their fear of other crimes that are not related to sex. This article will definitely be useful to university students studying criminology as well as the female students wishing to prevent rape. This article

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